July Kiva Loan: Fatima in Mozambique

July 09, 2015

While four of Fatima's children have already grown up and moved out, she still has a full house. Under her roof she still supports the remaining three of her children as well as two grandchildren. 

And that is what our July Kiva loan is for. Fatima is purchasing new cement and beams to improve her home, which she owns. Finding the funds to improve one's home is a particularly difficult thing to do in her region. Fatima is a member of a local savings-club, which helps, and this Kiva loan should be able to help even more. 

Mozambique is on the southeast coast of Africa, across the straight from Madagascar and north of South Africa.

Mozambique is a very poor country, but energetic and hard-working people like Fatima are working to improve their lot in life. Please consider joining us in supporting Fatima or another borrower!

Check out all of Brode Electrolyte Vitamin's loans on Kiva.